Bluetooth Funny Pics Funny Bluetooth Meme

How did the bird get his bluetooth to work?

He had to parrot.

водонепроницаемый противоударный Bluetooth Stereo

There are hundreds of features on a brand-new BMW; heated seats, bluetooth audio, laser-headlights, etc... Which among them goes completely ignored?

The turn signals.

Bluetooth joke, There are hundreds of features on a brand-new BMW; heated seats, bluetooth audio, laser-headlights,

People with Bluetooth headsets need a clip round the ear!

Funniest thing my gf has ever said

We were at a a red light and i noticed a woman in the car behind me making a lot of arm and hand motions. No one was in the car with her (probably on bluetooth).

Me: Hey babe look at this woman behind us. What is she doing? She's just flailing her arms around but there isn't any one with her.

GF: Maybe she's deaf and she's singing to herself.

I don't like LGBT community

I mean, Bluetooth in LG devices isn't something amazing, is it?

I'm going to name my next iPhone "paradise"... when my Bluetooth headset disconnects it says "Paradise lost".

Bluetooth joke, I'm going to name my next iPhone "paradise"...

The titanic had Bluetooth

It synced

What Is Bluetooth ?

When your toothbrush stops working mid brushing

Men Are Like Bluetooth

Men Are Like Bluetooth…

Always Connected When Wife Is Around…
The Moment Wife Is Away…

They Automatically Starts Searching For New Devices…

I'm great at fixing Bluetooth headsets...

... I just repair them.

You can explore bluetooth connect reddit one liners, including funnies and gags. Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? Those of you who have teens can tell them clean bluetooth device dad jokes. There are also bluetooth puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls.

Why did the engineers of the Titanic II make sure to include a solid Bluetooth system?

They didn't want the ship to get stuck syncing again.

I expected a call last night, so I slept with my phone under my pillow.

When I woke up it was gone, and there was a dollar coin in its place?!

Must have been the Bluetooth Fairy...

How do you connect a bird to bluetooth?

You parrot.

Yo momma's so dumb

She went to the dentist to get a bluetooth

Love should be like Bluetooth

When you are close, the status should be.....connected
When away...searching for a new device

Bluetooth joke, Love should be like Bluetooth

My ex-husband was like a bluetooth...

Hey girl, are you a Bluetooth device?

Because I want to pair with you.

Why did the iPAD go to the dentist?

Because he had Bluetooth

People dating are like Bluetooth devices

They're supposed to pair up and connect but it hardly ever works

My friend told me that for minimal lag i should use an analogue connection instead of Bluetooth for my speaker system....

Sound advice.

I was listening to my wireless headphones while the dentist was working on my teeth.

He needed to tell me something so he pulled out my earbud.

It was a Bluetooth extraction.

What do you call a weary Viking conqueror?

Bluetooth low energy

My grandmother had sound issues with her Bluetooth headphones...

I played an ear rape compilation for her.

Why is Bluetooth called Bluetooth?

Because it was a Norse king's name?

My math teacher invented a Bluetooth speaker, made entirely out of wood...

He called it a logarythm

What do you call a phone that can't connect to Bluetooth on a kia?

A Nokia

If duct taping a Matchbox Trans Am to one's ear and pretending it's a Bluetooth device is wrong, then maybe—

hang on... I've gotta take this.

LG created a new proprietary Bluetooth technology and protestors are now rallying against the the IEEE 802.15.1 Bluetooth standard

Manufacturers have quickly adopted to LG's new protocol, as they are afraid of not supporting the LGBT.

A Man Goes to the Doctor

A cancer patient anxiously awaits his doctor, who enters with his test results.

Give it to me straight, doc, he pleads. How long have I got?

Ten, says the doctor.

Ten what? Months? Days? Years? The patient cries.

Oh, I'm sorry, the doctor continues. That was my wife on Bluetooth, asking how many eggs we need. Your cancer is in remission and you should lead a long healthy life.

The patient, ecstatic, runs out into the street, where he is promptly hit by a bus and killed.

My Bluetooth speaker wasn't working so I threw it into the lake...

Now it's syncing.

Just think that there are jokes based on truth that can bring down governments, or jokes which make girl laugh. Many of the bluetooth speakers jokes and puns are jokes supposed to be funny, but some can be offensive. When jokes go too far, are mean or racist, we try to silence them and it will be great if you give us feedback every time when a joke become bullying and inappropriate.

We suggest to use only working bluetooth earphones piadas for adults and blagues for friends. Some of the dirty witze and dark jokes are funny, but use them with caution in real life. Try to remember funny jokes you've never heard to tell your friends and will make you laugh.


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